First New Moon of the year and it's said to be the most powerful New Moon of the year; Like a celestial clean slate.
This New Moon coincides with the Lunar New Year in Chinese astrology and Imbolc- a Gaelic tradition that celebrates the beginning of Spring. The half way point between winter solstice and spring equinox.
During this time, a personal and collective "fresh slate" will be possible for us all, bringing in new beginnings and particularly supercharged optimism, forward-moving, change the world type of energy. This feel good energy gives a nod to Venus and Mercury as they close out their retrograde periods.
Aquarius is asking us to vibrate at our highest potential. Inviting every aspects of our selves to join as one. All parts of ourselves coming together allows us to show up with bravery, courage and conviction in service to our greater collective. Embrace yourself.
Aquarius also asks us to think bigger, as it brings in new ideas, visions, and different ways of approaching things. Be prepared to have a rush of innovation and inspiration hit you this week. Use these ideas to your advantage.
New Moons tend to leave us thinking about the future with our new beginnings and new projects but, it's also important to look back to see how far we've come. We can reassess situations and choose to change or continue on. This lunation period brings with it a cord-cutting energy that functions as a second chance. We have celestial help guiding us to let go AND lay a new foundation.
Ask yourself, what do I want to achieve? Where am I directing my energy? What am I manifesting?
And then make it happen with this energetic lunation.
Here are six ways to tap into this New Moon in Aquarius:
1. Cultivate Community- let Aquarius bring in creative ideas to help guide you to your people.
2. Build a Cosmic Cabinet of tools and people- Your inner circle or go-to advisors that have your best interest at heart, even if they are telling you things you may not like- these people are good for your growth.
3. Activate your activism- Aquarius is the sign of unity and social justice. Let this be a time where you are shown how your generosity can make a difference.
4. Make a sudden move- Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of sudden events, breakthroughs and radical change. Embrace this and step outside of your comfort zone. Try a radically different approach at something.
5. Get more familiar with your techy devices- Sharpen up your digital skills because the world has gone virtual over the last two years. It wouldn't hurt to have an online platform to teach, share skills, or inspire people from.
6. Be a relationship anarchist- Aquarius is the sign of universal love. Opposite of possessive- it's experimental, broad-minded, rational. The perfect time to review your values with any current relationships. Be cautious of these types of conversations as they can get charged quickly. Make sure you take time to get clear on your message. Set the mood, and be sure to give everyone the time to delve deep into these ideas and take breaks when needed- this will help not only the communication but your connection in coming together by choice.
Happy New Moon my loves <3
